Saturday, May 16, 2009

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Are you supposed to write in this thing every day? I don't think that is going to happen. My life is not nearly exciting enough for all that. We did have a fairly nice day today. Donny brother graduated this morning. Yea for the Assumption High School Class of 2009! I know his parents are happy. They have been raising kids for over 35 years, now their last child has adulthood on the horizion. The ceremony was nice. Taylor graduated #5 in his class, but can't keep his eyes open for a picture to save his life. And of course I wanted to cry. I'm such a weenie when it comes to things like that. Justin, of course, was terrible and Donny had to take him out.
When ever one attends events such as this it's quite normal to think back on your expirences. Of course I thought of my own graduation, or what I can remember of it anyway. That's not much. It's funny how the importance of an event that seamed so big at the time fades with time, just like everything else. I didn't really enjoy high school and don't really dwell on it too much. I did not attend our 10 year reunion and actually, don't know anyone who did. I keep in touch with quite a few folks from school now, thanks to modern technology, and no one I've spoken to really knows how it went either.
After a nice lunch with the families we got home just before the rain and just in time to watch the top 100 songs of the '90's on VH1. That turned out to be nicer than I though it would be. Some of those songs I had not thought about for a long time. Shows like that can really take you back and I've decided this afternoon that I am really glad I got to grow up in the '90's. The '90's had some pretty great things, hammer-pants aside. I guess anything pre-9/11 looks pretty innocent, but things did seam a little simpler. People actually called eachother and wrote letters. I remember the first time I saw a real email, at my boyfriends house. It was still on a black screen with green writing. Cellphones were for rich people and blackberries grew on bushes. Oh well. I guess change means progress or progress means change. Whatever. I enjoy reconnecting with people on these networking sites. I grew up in the military so I've gotten back in touch with folks that I would have not gotten back in touch otherwise. That is nice. I'm not too computer savvy, but I get around.
Anyway, between the graduation and the all '90's marathon it's been somewhat of a nostaglic afternoon. Congratulations Taylor! Open your eyes!
VH1's Top 100 Songs of the '90's

1 comment:

  1. You're a good blogger :o) Don't worry about writing every day! I try to commit to at least once a week.
